Going to the Vatican meant getting in touch with my spiritual side. It is, after all, the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. And it was exactly how my mom described it would be- immaculate and surreal. People from all walks of life were strolling all over the streets of the Vatican while waiting for the pope’s scheduled street visit at St. Peter’s Square (It was Wednesday when I visited). Devotees also spent hours in the Sistine Chapel giving thanks and praise. Taking in Michelangelo’s masterpiece as well as the different frescos was one of the highlights of my trip.
While strolling along the cobblestoned floor, it seemed like fate when I chanced upon a view of the pope from afar. Standing there in St. Peter’s Square along with the others was such an honor and an indescribable experience. Bringing binoculars is a must most especially when you visit during peak season.
After my encounter with the pope, I immersed myself in a view of St. Peter’s Basilica and various Renaissance works of art and architecture. The Vatican Museum was where works of arts of masters like Michaelangelo (the Pietà is a must see!), Raphael, Maderno & Bernini, Bramante, and Giacomo della Porta were located. The Vatican certainly is a treasure trove of the best artworks in the world. It is common for people to wait in line for a couple of hours just to see them. (Tip: entrance to the Vatican museums is free every last Sunday of the month)