Beautiful Gardens You Must Visit At Least Once

Throughout history, gardens have been known as wellsprings of creativity, ingenuity, and contemplation, allowing the world’s visionaries, aristocrats, and people from all walks of life to immerse themselves in beautifully crafted greenery, and get away from their busy every day even for just a little while longer. From a classic French garden to a more surreal estate in Mexico, here are some amazing botanical venues you must visit at least once.

  1. Lotusland, Montecito, California 

Created by a Polish opera singer, Lotusland is full of theatrics that could only be made possible in the climate and culture of Southern California. Inside, witness the dazzling living architecture of palms and succulents, contrasted by the exotic landscaping of green glass diamonds and abalone shells. 

  1. Monet’s Gardens, Giverny, France

Possibly one of the world’s most iconic gardens, Calude Monet’s Giverny escape deserves its status, with a floral kaleidoscope of perennials, climbers, and roses that sets aside the rigid rules of design in favor of unfettered Impressionism. Definitely, a fine place to reflect when you’re in search of the creative muse. 

  1. Le Jardin Secret, Marrakech, Morocco


In contrast with Yves Saint Laurent’s Le Jardin Majorelle, which has unfortunately been overrun by tourists, the nearby Le Jardin Secret feels remarkably tranquil: a 400-year-old complex of golden gazebos, elaborate fountains, and fragrant orange trees. Best of all, one can take their own snapshots without fear of being photobombed.

  1. Las Pozas, Xilitla, Mexico

Situated 2,000 feet above sea level, Las Pozas is a surrealist paradise created by English poet Edward James. It is a rather foggy venue because of its subtropical rainforest location, which adds to the mystique of its pools, greenery, and towering structures.

  1. Stourhead, Wiltshire, England

Opened in the 1740s, Stourhead is described as a “living work of art”, being the realization of a banker’s rich imagination. Now looked after by Britain’s National Trust, it provides visitors with a magical view of stunning temples, sizable conifers, and a vast lake. Best to visit this sprawling estate in the autumn, when it’s romantic, classical beauty is finally unveiled for all the world to see.


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